In this Issue:
Despite the challenges of the pandemic, we have been busier than ever working with organizers and activists to help build and sustain movements for economic, racial, and gender justice. Now is the time to come together - while remaining physically distant - to build even more powerful movements for justice and fix the broken systems harming our communities.
UFE is not fighting to get back to business as usual; together, we're redefining usual. We are demanding a world capable of providing real health and safety for all, and daring to imagine bold visions of what this world can look like. Learn more about our work below!

Catch Up: Watch Webinar Recordings
Our Executive Director, Jeanette Huezo, facilitated a conversation on decolonizing wealth with Edgar Villanueva, an expert on social justice philanthropy and member of the Lumbee Tribe of North Carolina, and Sunshine Utley, of Iswa / People of the River Heritage and a two time Tzedek Social Justice Impact Awardee. The webinar, which was interpreted in Spanish, explored questions including, “What does decolonizing wealth mean personally and structurally?” and, “How can wealth be used to restore and heal?”
In November, UFE hosted a post-election reflections panel, “Where do we go from here?” with Bill Fletcher Jr. (labor and economics activist, author, & speaker), Anne Price (President of the Insight Center for Community Economic Development & UFE board chair), and Oscar Chacón (Director of Alianza Americas). Moderated by Gloribell Mota (Leader of Neighbors United for a Better East Boston & UFE board member), participants reflected on our post-election reality and what’s next for our movements.

First Virtual Training of Trainers
We recently held our first online Training of Trainers! The three day training focused on popular education and healing for liberation, with a focus on connection, imagination, and movement. Eroc Arroyo-Montano, our director of cultural organizing, had this to say: “My heart has grown bigger, my spirit has been fueled, my dedication to liberation for all peoples has been nurtured. What a wonderful group of human beings.”

Living Wage Webinars in North Carolina
Our staff in North Carolina (Michael Young, David Dixon, and Richard Lindayen) recently supported a fantastic group of folks advocating for living wages in North Carolina, in the second of a two-webinar series. Part two included small group discussions that explored the benefits and challenges of raising wages in North Carolina's capital city, Raleigh, from the perspective of workers, businesses, and local leaders. Together we began outlining viable strategies for supporting living wages locally and across NC.

Responsible Wealth Pushes Progress
Earlier this month, UFE’s Responsible Wealth Project joined partner organizations and wealthy / upper-income individuals in sending a letter to President-elect Biden pushing him to enact progressive priorities in the new administration. We have an opportunity to push President Biden and the new Congress to make positive changes, including progressive tax changes like rolling back the Trump tax cuts for the wealthy.

Somerville Workshop: The Latino Vote
UFE recently co-hosted a collaborative virtual workshop with the City of Somerville, focusing on the election, pandemic, increasing economic inequality, and the Latino vote. The workshop, which was facilitated by our Executive Director, Jeanette Huezo, and Irma Flores, a leader with SomerViva, discussed the barriers and efforts of voter suppression in communities of color, as well as the impact and importance of the Latino vote and its economic contribution.

"More than Just Words" Webinar
Our director Jeannette Huezo recently sat down with two authors for a unique and thought-provoking webinar in Spanish, titled “More than Just Words.” Ana Patricia Rodríguez is an Associate Professor of Spanish and Portuguese and the author of "Dividing the Isthmus: Central American Transnational Histories, Literatures, and Cultures." Roberto Lovato is an educator, journalist, and the author of "Unforgetting: A Memoir of Family, Migration, Gangs and Revolution in the Americas." The discussion reflected on the memories of Salvadoran struggle and overcoming them, as well as how our current struggles are nurtured.

Get more resources & news on our blog
We've posted a ton of other updates recently...
Did you know that UFE is building a popular education training network in North Carolina? Click here for a short video of us in action!
It’s that time of year! If you’d like to make a gift to UFE, explore our "ways to give" page.
We have copies of the State of the Dream Report 2020 available in print! Get your copy
In Solidarity, United for a Fair Economy
p.s. We are a national, independent, nonprofit organization that challenges the concentration of wealth and power that corrupts democracy, deepens the racial divide, and tears communities apart. Please consider a one-time or recurring gift today to support this work!