UFE Spring 2019 Training of Trainers (FULL!)

At United for a Fair Economy’s training of trainers, participants will:

  • Learn principles and practices of popular education and healing justice.
  • Get concrete tools to facilitate conversations about race, gender, and economic inequality.
  • Practice using healing justice and education for movement with a community of supportive peers.

**This training is currently full! Future applicants will be added to a waitlist.

Apply Here!



Application deadline is April 30th.

Institute fee is based on a sliding scale ($250 – $1,200), which includes all materials, travel between the airport and conference center, as well as food during the training.

We offer scholarships in order to make this training accessible to those with less access to resources. We encourage people of color, LGBTQ, young people and people with low-income and assets to apply.

Space is limited and preference will be given to those engaged in economic justice campaigns and to organizations that send two or more participants.

The training begins with dinner at 6pm on Thursday, May 30th, continues all day Friday and Saturday and ends Sunday, June 2nd at 1pm.


“I learned that healing the racial wealth divide really starts by … beginning to heal ourselves and analyzing the systems that are impacting us and working from a place of strength in our community, in our power, in our collective resistance.”
- Reginauld Williams, Transformative Culture Project
“This training is super important for people to attend [...] We all deserve to live full lives and some people have to fight more than others. When you share in the fight, you earn the right to share in the joy. So, let’s share that fight. It’s a fight to survive and we should find ways to do it strategically. I’m grateful for UFE’s leadership and their vision to provide this training.”
- Jay-Marie Hill, Music Freedom Dreams Strategy
“For us to ever have a truly fair economy we first have to become whole humans. I want to thank the UFE community and leadership for helping us to walk in that direction.”
- Aaron Tanaka, Center for Economic Democracy


May 30, 2019 at 6:00pm - June 02, 2019


Rolling Ridge Conference and Retreat Center
660 Great Pond Rd
North Andover, MA 01845
United States
Google map and directions


This training will be led by UFE’s Education Team: Jeannette Huezo, Eroc Arroyo-Montano and Riahl O’Malley. This training will be fully bilingual in English and Spanish.

Eroc Arroyo-Montano is the Director of Cultural Organizing at United for a Fair Economy. He is a proud father of three children, an artist, curandero, organizer, and educator. He is a queer Boricua raised in Boston, MA. He is a founding member of the radical, award-winning Hip Hop group, Foundation Movement, where he has been able to tour and perform around the globe including in Tanzania, Kenya, Cuba, Palestine, South Africa, and Japan. Healing Justice, Arts & Activism, and Popular Education remain his passion and priority in movement work.


Jeannette Huezo is the Executive Director and Senior Popular Educator at ‘United for a Fair Economy’. Jeannette became the Executive Director in 2014, after fourteen years coordinating UFE’s Popular Education work and facilitating workshops and Training for Trainers across the United States. Born and raised in El Salvador, she has been a long time advocate of Language Justice. Jeannette has dedicated her life working for justice and social change and is a proud mother of nine children and Grandmother of ten grandchildren.



Riahl O’Malley is the Education Director at United for a Fair Economy. As Education Director, he develops educational materials and leads trainings around the country with workers centers, unions, community organizations, and faith-based communities. Riahl is a U.S.-born social justice facilitator of Swedish and Irish descent. He fell in love with Popular Education 11-years ago and has been honored to share his passion with many committed to social justice.





Riahl O'Malley · · 617-423- 2148 x127




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  • krishti daniel
    commented 2019-06-01 06:13:40 -0400
    It is really a wonderful idea providing training to the trainers. I also want to apply and get training. Thanks for informing me about this training.


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