Hi Richard -- We've got news to share!
Is it just us, or does your calendar seem to fill more quickly when there’s warm weather, too? With summer in full swing, UFE has been busier than ever, meeting with organizers and partners across the country, connecting the dots between racial, economic and gender justice through our popular education trainings, and supporting movements on the ground to raise wages and address the growing racial wealth divide. We’re so excited to share all that we’ve been up to!

Spring Training of Trainers in Durham, NC!
From April 22-24, UFE hosted our classic “Training of Trainers” in Durham, NC! As the first full-scale training we’ve held in person since the start of the pandemic, this was an especially impactful event attended by over 40 incredible community and grassroots organizers from across the country. Covid-19 affected us in many ways, and the training was a much needed opportunity to reconnect and find renewed hope in this moment. UFE is committed to language justice, so we offered simultaneous two-way interpretation (Spanish and English). We believe that creating multilingual spaces to learn and build together is an essential part of working for racial and economic justice. Check out the photos!

Youth Healing Justice Retreat
In late March, our North Carolina team co-hosted a custom youth training that brought more than 30 high school students, mostly youth of color, to learn about mental health and participate in healing circles. This training was a longtime vision for the leaders of Centro Unido Latino-Americano (CULA), who asked us to host them and facilitate parts of the event. Read a reflection about this training from our Wages and Workers' Rights Organizer, Raul Jimenez, on our blog.

Understanding Wealth: Community Conversations
The following reflection was written by our intern Monica Alfaro, who attended one of a series of weekly workshops facilitated throughout the month of June by our Director Jeannette Huezo.
UFE recently hosted a powerful workshop in collaboration with Action for Equity (A4E) — a coalition of community-based and social justice organizations working for a more equitable society where all hold power. The event took place in Dorchester, MA. Members of A4E explored the meaning of wealth through conversation and interactive activities.

Responsible Wealth "Tax Billionaires" Mobilization Call
Responsible Wealth, a project of United for a Fair Economy, held a virtual “Tax Billionaires Now!” training on June 9th. Over 100 wealthy individuals registered for the event, featuring 18 top-notch speakers over an informative and engaging 3-hour agenda. The event explored in-depth the three Billionaires Income Tax (BIT) proposals. If you missed the event and would like to learn more, please contact Mike Lapham at [email protected].

Updated "War and the Economy" Workshop Available
We are excited to share an update to our workshop, "War and the Economy: Too Many Guns, Not Enough Butter." This engaging workshop explores the impact of war on the U.S. economy and demonstrates how war and militarism drain communities of basic resources. We hope you’ll take a look at our updated workshop, use it in your communities, and share it with others.

UFE Welcomes Summer Interns!
We are excited to have the support of four incredible interns this summer! Please welcome Monica Alfaro, communications intern from Brandeis University; Felix Brody, executive assistant intern from Bucknell University; Erick Hernandez, resource mobilization intern from Brandeis University; and Grace May, Student Action with Farmworkers intern from UNC.
You can read their bios and learn a bit more about each of them on our website.

Read More News
We've posted a ton of other updates recently...
>Upcoming: Michael Young Golf Outing & Dinner One of the joys of UFE's late colleague Michael Young was playing an occasional round of golf. If you are a golfer (or have ever played), or even just want to come by, please join us Friday, August 5, at Hillendale Golf Course in Durham, NC.
>May Day Worker Power March in Durham, NC UFE celebrated May Day by supporting a local North Carolina worker power march with simultaneous English-Spanish interpretation.
>Training with SEI (Solidarity Economy Initiative) UFE’s popular educators in Boston (Jeannette Huezo and Eroc Arroyo-Montano) presented our classic training of trainers curriculum, which gives participants the tools to facilitate their own workshops with their organizations.
>Watch: A Conversation about Community & the Economy In this video (audio in English; subtitles available in both Spanish and English), UFE was grateful for the opportunity to sit down with two community leaders to get their take on the economy in this moment!
>UFE's 2022 Staff & Board Retreat For the first time in over 2 years, the UFE staff and board gathered in Durham, NC for a retreat! After a full weekend of workshops, circles, and team building, we emerged with a renewed vision laid out by our executive director Jeannette Huezo, ready to continue the fight for economic and racial justice.
>A Reflection from our Student Action with Farmworkers Intern Check out this reflection written by our intern Grace. Grace was placed with our organization as a part of her internship with Student Action with Farmworkers. We're super excited to have her working with us!
>Photos and Updates from Eroc's Trainings Eroc Arroyo-Montano, UFE's Director of Cultural Organizing, has some updates and photos to share from trainings he facilitated in May!
>Upcoming: Boston Golf Outing - September 22 If you would like to play in or sponsor the second annual UFE golf event at the historic William J Devine golf course in Dorchester, please contact [email protected].
In Solidarity, United for a Fair Economy
p.s. We are a national nonprofit organization that challenges the concentration of wealth and power that corrupts democracy, deepens the racial divide, and tears communities apart. Please consider a gift today to support this work!