Highlander 2018 Training of Trainers

How do we build a strong and lasting movement to address economic and racial inequality? This intensive training of trainers will explore the role of popular education in movement building and share tools that educators, organizers and activists can use with their communities to analyze the roots of our current crisis, heal themselves and others, and take action for profound change. (Note: this training was previously titled “Healing the Racial Wealth Divide”)

**Applications have closed!  Keep an eye on our events page for when our next training is posted in a few months.

Application Closed!


This training will be led by UFE’s Education Team: Jeannette Huezo, Eroc Arroyo-Montano and Riahl O’Malley. This training will be fully bilingual in English and Spanish.


Reviewing and practicing popular education principles and practices.

Exploring the intersection of class, race, and gender inequities and their relationship to economic trends.

Addressing the consequences of economic and racial inequality through healing justice, language justice, and education for movement building


Online registration has closed, but you can keep an eye on our events page for our next training.

Institute fee is based on a sliding scale ($300 – $1,200), which includes all materials, travel to and from the airport as well as food during the training.

We offer scholarships in order to make this training accessible to those with less access to resources. We encourage people of color, LGBTQ, young people and people with low-income and assets to apply.

Space is limited and preference will be given to those engaged in economic justice campaigns and to organizations that send two or more participants.

The training begins with dinner at 6pm on Thursday, October 25th, continues all day Friday and Saturday and ends Sunday, October 28th at 1pm.


“I learned that healing the racial wealth divide really starts by … beginning to heal ourselves and analyzing the systems that are impacting us and working from a place of strength in our community, in our power, in our collective resistance.”

- Reginauld Williams, Transformative Culture Project
“This training is super important for people to attend [...] We all deserve to live full lives and some people have to fight more than others. When you share in the fight, you earn the right to share in the joy. So, let’s share that fight. It’s a fight to survive and we should find ways to do it strategically. I’m grateful for UFE’s leadership and their vision to provide this training.”

- Jay-Marie Hill, Music Freedom Dreams Strategy
“For us to ever have a truly fair economy we first have to become whole humans. I want to thank the UFE community and leadership for helping us to walk in that direction.”

- Aaron Tanaka, Center for Economic Democracy

October 25, 2018 at 6:00pm - October 28, 2018
Highlander Research and Education Center

1959 Highlander Way
New Market, TN 37820
United States
Google map and directions
Riahl O'Malley · · 617-423- 2148 x127


184 High St., Suite 603
Boston, MA 02110
(617) 423-2148


711 Mason Road
Durham, NC 27712 (919) 590-9449

We gather as guests on Indigenous land


Birmingham, AL
(205) 212-0327

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