The Work We Do

UFE exposes and challenges the deep-seated systemic causes of inequality: institutionalized racism, low wages, exorbitant CEO compensation, regressive tax policies, and more. We engage in state and federal policy debates, provide trainings and support for organizers across the nation, and publish illuminating reports.  UFE’s goal is to build a vibrant economic justice movement, help people “connect the dots,” and work towards solutions that address inequality at its roots. 

  • UFE’s signature Economics for Everyone programs use popular education methodology to strengthen grassroots power by sharing an interactive and accessible analysis of the economy. Since UFE’s founding we have engaged over 100,000 social justice leaders through our workshops, trainings, and events. Today, we pair popular education with Healing for Liberation and Language Justice tools, to create nurturing, inclusive practices that sustain the people and relationships our movements need.


  • Our Inclusive Economy Project brings together grassroots groups in strategic states – so far, North Carolina and Alabama –  to push for progressive and equitable public policy.


  • We use creative communications to challenge popularly-held myths about wealth creation and expose the structures of power and policies that maintain extreme economic inequality.


  • Our Responsible Wealth Project organizes wealthy progressives and business owners – those in the top 5% of income and assets in this country – to use their influential voices in the fight for a fair economy. 


We're building a movement of movements. UFE believes in a broad-based movement to build power from the bottom up and unite the many voices speaking out against inequality. We seek opportunities to connect low-wage worker networks to broader state and national economic justice coalitions in support of progressive taxes and a robust public sector, critical strategies against rising inequality.


184 High St., Suite 603
Boston, MA 02110
(617) 423-2148


711 Mason Road
Durham, NC 27712 (919) 590-9449

We gather as guests on Indigenous land


Birmingham, AL
(205) 212-0327

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