Our executive director, Jeannette Huezo, has been very busy this year! Take a moment to catch up on the awards she's received, the panels she's spoken on, and the work she's led.
"Fair Wages Philadelphia" Panel
In early May, Jeannette spoke on a panel about fair wages in Philadelphia. During the panel, Jeannette spoke on how pay hasn't kept up with either inflation or rises in the cost of living: "Economists agree that increases in productivity offset the cost of raising wages, as raises correspond to an increase in work. But for decades, productivity has soared while wages stagnate." She also reflected on how low wages can be particularly unfair and harmful for certain communities. "Thanks to deliberately racially discriminatory labor policies enacted in the 1930s, there are hundreds of thousands of domestic workers and farmworkers who are not covered by the minimum wage. Workers have been unjustly denied a decent quality of life because the minimum wage has been so low for so long."
CCDS podcast with Jeannette
Jeanette recently accepted an invitation to participate as a guest on a radio program by the Center for Cooperative Development and Solidarity (CCDS). Joined by her husband and long-time UFE supporter Carlos Rosales, Jeanette described her experiences as a popular educator and her motivations for fighting for a more just economy. She also spoke on cooperativism, the work of UFE, and the role of popular education in building grassroots movements for social change.
Jeanette has long worked with CCDS in her role as Senior Popular Educator at United for a Fair Economy, most recently by facilitating trainings to support their goals of empowering grassroots organizers in the immigrant community (mostly Latino) in East Boston. Reflecting on the invitation she received to speak on their program, Jeanette thanked the Center for Cooperative Development and Solidarity for their work and relationship, writing: “It was an honor to share my experiences with you, whom I admire and respect so much.”
You can watch the full interview with Jeanette on Facebook.
May Day Labor Panel at Boston's Lowell Park
On May 4th, 2019, Jeannette was on the labor day panel at Lowell National Historical Park. They discussed the history of May Day, and Lowell's connections to the events that took place in Haymarket Square in Chicago on May 4, 1886.
Leader Program at the Institute for Nonprofit Practice
Back in the summer of 2018, Jeannette was invited to enroll in a special program for nonprofit leaders at the Institute for Nonprofit Practice. Since then, Jeannette's attended weekly sessions with the other fellows in the program, which she calls "a dream to be a part of." Jeannette says one of the most important parts of the class was learning from peers; the class became a little family to support and advise each other. A great deal of what was learned in the class came not from a teacher, but from peers also practicing nonprofit management.
I’ve been in the nonprofit world as an organizer, trainer, and activist my entire life and was appointed the Executive Director of United for a Fair Economy four years ago. The Institute helped me improve my skills as a manager and become a stronger leader. It was a dream to be a part of INP and to learn from the diverse experiences of other leaders working to transform their organizations and communities.
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