On Febuary 25th, the Boston Chapter of the Progressive Communicators Network convened a panel discussion called “Talking About Racial & Economic Justice in Obama’s America.”�
Amaad Rivera [LISTEN] is the director of the Racial Wealth Divide program at United for a Fair Economy, and lead author of their "2009 State of the Dream Report: The Silent Depression." He discusses Racism without Racists, patterns of school segregation in Boston, and building racial justice frameworks.
Tarso Luís Ramos [LISTEN] is the director of research at the right-wing watchdog group Political Research Associates. He discusses the work of Ian F. Haney Lopez’s on “colorblind white dominance,”� Eduardo Bonilla-Silva’s work on White Supremacy and Racism in the Post-Civil Rights Era, and the “Color Blind Ideology.”�
Doyle Canning [LISTEN] of smart/MEME, discusses some of the stories in the popular culture on racism and “post racism,”� and how story-based strategies can work to challenge some of the underlying assumptions of white supremacy in the dominant culture.
Read the full blog post on smart/MEME.
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