Community Rules

We want our website to create an inclusive, open forum for discussion and debate.

In order to safely do this, we have several rules to our online communities. Breaking of any of these rules will result in a rule violation, and anybody who breaks the rules twice will be banned. We reserve the right to display, modify, or delete comments or content. In order to comment on a post or page, publish community content, or participate in some of the social media components of our site, you must agree to these rules. 


  1. Be civil. No Personal Attacks.

    Attacks, name-calling, slurs, or other bullying will not be tolerated. 

  2. Only 1 Account Per Person.
  3. Respect Everybody's Time. No Spam.
  4. You Must Be At Least 15 Years Old to Participate.

    We cannot let minors be a part of our online community without parental permission. 

  5. No Plagerism.

    Information is not a commodity. But we should give credit to folks who did the research. 


184 High St., Suite 603
Boston, MA 02110
(617) 423-2148


711 Mason Road
Durham, NC 27712 (919) 590-9449

We gather as guests on Indigenous land


Birmingham, AL
(205) 212-0327

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