Take Action - Bush Tax Cuts Anniversary

Do you think it’s time to raise taxes on millionaires and corporate tax dodgers?

June 7, 2011 marks the tenth anniversary of the disastrous 2001 Bush tax cuts. Those irresponsible tax cuts added $2.6 trillion to our national debt and went primarily to the wealthiest households in the country.


But a nationwide tax justice revolution is gaining steam. All over the country, people are demanding to know: If we can pay our taxes, why can't America's wealthy individuals and richest corporations pay their fair share?


Join United for a Fair Economy, Responsible Wealth, and our partners during the week of June 7 to demand that millionaires and billionaires pay their fair share. Here's how you can get involved.




Make three (3) calls to 888-907-1485, and ask to be connected with your representative and two senators. 

  • Tell them: It’s time to end the Bush tax cuts for the wealthy and increase tax rates for millionaires. No more budget cuts until millionaires and corporate tax dodgers pay their fair share.

JOIN A NEARBY EVENT OR CREATE YOUR OWN with the True Majority events database. You can also download an activist tool-kit that includes signs, talking points, Town Hall questions, and sample press releases and op-eds.



  • Contact Sarah VonEsch at [email protected] and include your organization's name, contact person and his/her email.



  • Use email and social media to encourage your friends, family and colleagues to get involved.
  • Blog about the need to end the Bush tax cuts for the wealthy as a way to raise revenue to stop budget cuts at the federal, state and local levels.

Our economy is still in tatters and the middle class is disappearing. But that's not stopping conservatives in Congress from fighting for more of what led to the economic meltdown in the first place. In fact, they want to give even larger tax cuts to the super-rich—all while slashing essential public services, environmental protections and attacking public employees.


We need to shut down these damaging proposals. Your support and participation are crucial to the advancement of economic justice.


Thank you for taking action!


Lee Farris

Federal Tax Policy Coordinator

United for a Fair Economy

617.423.2148 x133

[email protected]


P.S. For more information on the 10-year anniversary of the Bush tax cuts, see the following analyses:

Endorsing organizations of the June 7th Days of Action include:


Business for Shared Prosperity | Every Child Matters | Friends of the Earth

Institute for Policy Studies | MoveOn.org | USAction

Wealth for the Common Good



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