Now, Congressional "deficit hawks" are demanding major spending cuts to some of the most vital government programs like Medicare and Social Security. But, a closer look at the country’s balance sheet shows that it’s not spending that’s out of control, it’s revenue.
Federal income tax rates are at their lowest since the mid-1950s. Keeping taxes as low as they currently are doesn't make any sense (especially for the wealthiest taxpayers), but lowering them further is pure insanity. Be that as it may, that’s precisely what Republicans are proposing.
Perhaps it's time we ask our federal officials what their fiscal priorities really are.
Should we…
As politicians fall into hysteria over our looming debt, we need to put things into perspective. If more tax cuts will do nothing to reduce our debt, why do conservative officials so fanatically advocate for exactly that? Many of us are left wondering: Is it the debt they're really after?
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