Coming Soon: Racism in the Mind, Skin, and the Action


Strong relationships between organized Black and Latinx workers are essential to successfully build worker power and to fight for legislation to raise the minimum wage and other changes. This workshop was developed in response to partner requests to provide a resource for Latinx leaders and organizations for learning and reflection about anti-Blackness in Latinx communities. Like all of UFE’s work, “Racism in the Mind, Skin, and the Action” is a resource for facilitating action-oriented political education. The system has been made in this way. Why? Who benefits? Who loses? How can we make change? 

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Boosts and Blocks Timeline

This activity gives participants an opportunity to review the impact of various laws, policies, events, and trends on the accumulation of wealth among various racial and ethnic groups in the U.S. Participants reflect on and share their own family and ancestral stories, placing them on a historical timeline from colonial times to the present.

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War & The Economy Charts (2022 Edition)

The team here at UFE is excited to release this timely update to our "War & the Economy" popular education workshop.

This interactive 90-minute workshop explores the impact of war and militarism on the US economy, examines militarism from race, gender, and class perspectives, and demonstrates how war and militarism drain resources from basic family and community needs.

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The Growing Divide Charts (2022 Edition)

United for a Fair Economy has designed a very effective set of presentations and workshops called "The Growing Divide: Inequality and the Roots of Economic Insecurity." The charts and slides for this training are free for you to download, at the links on this page. It has been adapted and refined over the course of more than 1,100 presentations to groups around the nation. The workshop includes:

  • An overview of the massive income and wealth shift of the last 25 years.
  • An opportunity to discuss the effects of gross inequality on our lives and the lives of the people we know and care about.
  • A discussion of the reasons for the shift.
  • An inspirational review of movements in the U.S. that have reversed previous trends toward inequality.
  • An opportunity to discuss strategy and meaningful action responses.
  • An opportunity to think about concrete steps that make sense for each of us.
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The Stacked Deck

Help fight Inequality with UFE’s new resource “The Stacked Deck"

For 25 years, UFE has joined all those fighting against the growing wealth divide. That’s why we’re excited to announce our new resource, “The Stacked Deck”: a tool that can help anyone become a movement builder and leader in the fight against economic, racial, and gender inequality!

In the format of a simple deck of cards, this resource facilitates interactive dialogue by helping people connect the dots between economic, racial, and gender inequality. Decades of experience using popular education went into this. We hope the new tool inspires people across many movements to facilitate dialogue on race, gender, and the economy at their workplace or in their community. And with a stronger sense of the roots of inequality, we hope that even more people will take action to build a stronger movement for a fair economy.

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Overworked and Undervalued: Women, Race, and the Economy

“Overworked and Undervalued: Women, Race and the Economy,” is a curriculum we co-developed with United Methodist Women. They are using it with hundreds of their members to reflect on personal experiences of the economy, see the role that racism and sexism play, and explore the rules that underlie growing inequality. They have also converted this values-based training for use in Bible study.

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The Growing Divide

The Growing Divide is UFE's highly acclaimed workshop that over 100,000 people have participated in nationwide. We review recent trends in income and wealth distribution through participatory “human graph” activities, demystify the hype on the national deficit and debt, and examine the rule changes that fuel inequality. The workshop also offers a range of strategies and steps we can take to reverse the growing gap between the rich and everyone else, and set us on a path of broadly shared economic recovery.


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Immigration Workshop

There is a growing clamor about our immigration “problem.” But what are the facts about immigration? What is pushing and pulling workers and families to leave their homeland and emigrate to the U.S.? Who benefits from rules that allow in some workers and criminalize others? What do foreign-born and domestic workers have in common? How can we evaluate proposed immigration “reforms”? This latest addition to UFE’s lineup of popular economics education workshops provides information, analysis, and strategies for action to close the political and social divides that pit workers and communities against each other. 


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Bankers, Brokers, Bubbles, and Bailouts

Bankers , Brokers, Bubbles and Bailout is aimed at activists, students, workers—anyone interested in helping our towns, states, and nations construct and economy that is more equitable for everyone.  Our method builds on a popular education framework, where we connect to the experience and expertise of participants so they can become more engaged as potential activists. 

In the workshop, participants review the trends and events that created the housing bubble and the financial meltdown, and explore the impact of the crisis on their jobs, families and communities. Together they identify strategies and individual actions they can take to help build a broad-based, inclusive, democratic social movement that will create a more equitable economy. 


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The Racial Wealth Divide

UFE's Racial Wealth Divide workshop helps explore how our current economic inequality has been and continues to be shaped by racialized policies and behavior from the past to the contemporary. The workshop focuses on the role of government policies and reveals how critically important it is for us to abolish racial wealth inequality and the society that creates and maintains it. Thus the workshop is a critical education tool that helps workshops participants understand why things are the way they are. The workshop also helps participants develop strategies, campaigns and actions that will help create greater economic equality and racial economic justice.


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