An Open Letter Regarding Minnesota

Dear Supporters, Last night five black protestors were shot by alleged white supremacists in Minneapolis, Minnesota.  They were participating in a peaceful protest outside of the 4th precinct police headquarters in Minneapolis, Minnesota.  

Protestors have been gathered there since the 15th of November calling for justice for Jamar Clark, yet another unarmed black man in the U.S. who was fatally shot by police. 

I am deeply saddened for so many reasons.  I grew up in Minnesota and, in my time at United for a Fair Economy have the privilege of working alongside many of those who are gathered demanding justice today.  In my largely white progressive community I grew up thinking of Minnesota as a relatively progressive place.  While working people have won many victories, recent events show the depth of the exploitation, oppression and violence that is a daily reality for people of color in the U.S., black people in particular. 

The rest of my colleagues at United for a Fair Economy share my outrage at this act of domestic terrorism.  We stand with the people of color and white allies, and in solidarity with leadership from Black Lives Matter Minneapolis.  While the murder of Jamar Clark and the following violent actions taken against nonviolent protestors summons many emotions for us, surprise is not one of them.  The acts of vigilantes, the violent actions of police taken against black people met with impunity, against black men, black women and trans, queer and gender-nonconforming black people across the country, is the continuation of a long history of state-sanctioned aggression in the U.S.  This shooting took place at police headquarters after many reports of death threats to protestors and other warnings went without a serious enough investigation to prevent these actions from taking place.

We extend our energies to those standing for justice in Minneapolis, those insisting that Black Lives Matter.  A fair economy is an economy, a society, in which black lives matter. We encourage our supporters in Minnesota to stand with those on the front lines to join protestors at the 4th Precinct for a vigil.  Please find information here:

#4thprecinctshutdown #justice4jamar #blacklivesmatter

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