Estate Tax Teleconference 2009

Estate Tax Teleconference 2009

Thank you for your interest in our December 15, 2009 Estate Tax Teleconference, featuring Bill Gates, Sr., Vanguard Founder John C. Bogle, Richard Rockefeller, SEIU International Secretary/Treasurer Anna Burger, Lee Farris (UFE), moderated by Mike Lapham (RW/UFE).

We thank all of our speakers for their support and the wonderful and unique contributions they made, and all those who joined as participants on the call.

The teleconference was attended by journalists from the Associated Press, Newsweek, the Wall Street Journal, Bloomberg News and many others.

Written statements from our featured speakers:

Read a message of support from New York City Mayor, Michael Bloomberg.

Listen to the teleconference (M4V 72.7MB)

IF YOU ARE A MEMBER OF THE PRESS and would like to speak with UFE staff or the other speakers about the estate tax, please contact Mazher Ali at [email protected] or 617-423-2148 x101. For other inquiries regarding the estate tax, please contact UFE’s Estate Tax Policy Coordinator, Lee Farris, [email protected] or 617-423-2148 x133.

Thank you again for your interest in this event, and keep checking our website for news updates on the estate tax.

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