Facilitating Leadership Institute with COPAL in Minnesota

Our National Education Director, Riahl O'Malley, ended the month of January by facilitating at COPAL's leadership institute. COPAL is working to unite Latinxs in Minnesota in active grassroots communal democracy that builds racial, gender, social and economic justice across community lines. They are doing big things in Minnesota and beyond, so check them out!

This was the first of a series of leadership trainings COPAL has planned for 2020. The 3 day training was attended by 22 leaders.


Getting to Know Each Other

We gathered at COPAL's offices in Minneapolis for our 3 day training. COPAL is a new and rapidly-growing grassroots Latinx organization in Minnesota with a focus on popular education and organizing.

Facilitating the Training

Alongside designing popular education workshops and partnering with allied organizations to develop custom curriculum, our education director Riahl O'Malley regularly facilitates trainings. This training of trainers with COPAL was designed for participants to build together and plan for the year ahead. He was assisted by co-facilitators Ryan Perez and Aria Gilliam.

Skill Building

At the training, participants practiced skill-building to bring more people into the movement for justice through education and organizing.

Building Community with Creativity

Riahl loves to play the banjo, and never misses an opportunity to use music in his facilitation.

Funny backstory... in this photo, co-facilitator Ryan Perez (center) is re-writing the lyrics to the "Campfire Song" in Spanish!

See more photos in COPAL's slideshow:



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