United for a Fair Economy has designed a very effective set of presentations and workshops called "The Growing Divide: Inequality and the Roots of Economic Insecurity." The charts and slides for this training are free for you to download, at the links on this page. It has been adapted and refined over the course of more than 1,100 presentations to groups around the nation. The workshop includes:
- An overview of the massive income and wealth shift of the last 25 years.
- An opportunity to discuss the effects of gross inequality on our lives and the lives of the people we know and care about.
- A discussion of the reasons for the shift.
- An inspirational review of movements in the U.S. that have reversed previous trends toward inequality.
- An opportunity to discuss strategy and meaningful action responses.
- An opportunity to think about concrete steps that make sense for each of us.
The workshop uses a number of participatory and problem-solving activities as well as a series of flip charts to illustrate the meaning behind the numbers. The ideal size for a workshop is 20-30 people. The workshop lasts from 90 minutes to three hours, however, presentations can vary in length. Larger groups may appreciate the presentation format.
This workshop is ideal for political groups, religious congregations, community organizations, concerned citizens, students... anyone and everyone!
We often advise and support groups presenting our workshops, and are happy to do so! Simply get in touch with us and we will give you all the information you will need.
Download the Free Charts and Slides (PDF) in English
Download the Income Quintile Placards (PDF) in English
Descargue los gráficos y diapositivas gratuitos (PDF) en español
Descargue los carteles de quintiles de ingresos (PDF) en español
To view the accompanying training guide, please visit our Resources page.