Rest in Power John Lewis -- Honoring a Great Legacy

Rest in peace, rest in power, Congressman John Lewis.

He will be missed. He's been an inspiration to millions, and will continue to be for generations to come. We celebrate his lifelong commitment and love for justice.


"Representative John Lewis, a son of sharecroppers and an apostle of nonviolence who was bloodied at Selma and across the Jim Crow South in the historic struggle for racial equality, and who then carried a mantle of moral authority into Congress, died on Friday. He was 80." - New York Times



Showing 2 reactions

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  • Kris Kris
    commented 2020-09-01 10:36:25 -0400
    Rest in peace
  • Richard Lindayen
    published this page in Blog 2020-07-20 17:47:52 -0400


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