Join us as we celebrate Steve Schnapp!



With mixed feelings, we announce that a wise and humble member of the United for a Fair Economy family is moving along.  After fourteen years as a facilitator, popular educator and mentor to many, Steve Schnapp is retiring.  As sad as we are to see him go, we are really excited to throw a party for him!  (One he insisted we not have. Ha!)


Join us at Spontaneous Celebrations, 45 Danforth Street in Jamaica Plain, MA on

Thursday, April 23rd from 7:00pm-10:00pm

to celebrate the retirement of long-time UFE educator-extraordinaire Steve Schnapp!


Those of you who know Steve will not be surprised to hear that we use the term “retire” loosely. Someone as dedicated to his work, and above all, the principles of economic and racial justice, will not be easily pulled from the movement. Steve will continue to show up for justice, and at UFE we’re going draw on his wisdom for a while longer. This does mean, though, that he’ll be spending much more time with his granddaughters, Grey and Zuzu, his wife Honey, and his two daughters, Tania and Jessie. And we couldn’t be happier for him.


Please join United for a Fair Economy on Thursday, April 23rd to celebrate Steve Schnapp and a life of humble contributions in support of the movement for social and economic justice.

There will be hors d'oeuvres, drinks, dancing and good company -- what more could you want?!


Can’t make the party? Consider Making a donation to the United for a Fair Economy Education Team in Steve’s honor. Your donation will enable UFE to continue to provide our unique brand of Popular Economics Education for organizers working on the front lines for social and economic justice. And by the way, we’re holding an open Training of Trainers right here in our own back yard at the Walker Center on May 28-31.


For more information, please contact Riahl O’Malley, National Education Coordinator at [email protected] or at 617.423.2148 ext. 127.


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