The racist rhetoric of "replacement theory" has led to a dramatic increase in violence against people of color.
Elected officials that have weaponized replacement theory to incite fear and hate must be held accountable.
The team at UFE is devastated by this tragic loss of life, and the damage done to the community and people of color in Buffalo. It must be understood that this act was not done in isolation by a "lone wolf;" it is the result of the prevalence of racism and racist ideology still present in the U.S. today.
We have a long way to go to defeating white supremacy and ending gun violence. Now more than ever it is imperative we organize against hate.
It is unsurprising that the U.S., which spends more on its military than any other country, also has the most mass shootings in the world. At a time when there are calls to increase funding for militarization, we must remember that investing in weaponry only entrenches us deeper in cycles of violence.
This has happened far too often for this to be brushed off. We must address the pandemic of racism and hate on the right, and gun violence more broadly.