Join us for a conversation about individual and collective healing for liberation with Eroc Arroyo-Montano, Director of Cultural Organizing at United for a Fair Economy, Lawrence Barriner II, and Luana Morales. With years of experience amongst them in organizing and healing work, this webinar will focus on reflections, lessons learned and healing practices that may be helpful for those of us working in the movement for racial and economic justice. The webinar will be interpreted into Spanish live.
Únase a nosotros para una conversación sobre la curación individual y colectiva para la liberación facilitado por Eroc Arroyo-Montano, Director de Organización Cultural de United for a Fair Economy, Lawrence Barriner II y Luana Morales. Con años de experiencia entre ellos en la organización y el trabajo de sanación, este seminario web se centrará en reflexiones, lecciones aprendidas y prácticas de sanación que pueden ser útiles para aquellos de nosotros que trabajamos en el movimiento por la justicia racial y económica. El webinar se interpretará al español en vivo.
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Haga una donación a para ayudar a cubrir los costos de la justicia lingüística y nuestros programas de justicia económica.
- Luana Morales is an Afro-Boricua Birth, Death, and Ancestral healing arts practitioner: birth and bereavement doula, death midwife, circle keeper, officiant, reiki master teacher, ritual guide, spiritual coach, and herbal apprentice devoted to reclaiming and reimagining our birth, death, and Afro-Indigenous healing practices. I co-create containers that support reflection, experimentation, healing, learning, collaboration, and joy for our individual and collective liberation. We dream together through individual sessions, ceremonies, ritual, group facilitation, workshops, or retreats. In 2017, I founded Seeds of Our Ancestors, a mobile interdisciplinary, intergenerational, and multi lineage healing squad in service to movement spaces devoted to healing justice.
- Lawrence Barriner II is a storyteller, narrative strategist, writer, and liberation worker who values love/justice, community, and transformation. His paid work includes serving as the Network Engagement Manager at the Center for Story-Based Strategy in addition to his facilitation and coaching work at lqb2&co. His unpaid work includes visionary fiction, (r)evolutionary uncling, community-focused healing work, and imagining/practicing/embodying post-patriarchal futures. He is the Board President of Resist, bakes a lot of bread, and meditated for ~162 hours in 2019. He has undergraduate and graduate degrees in City Planning from MIT and hopes one day all universities will be collectively-owned and democratically-controlled (or made obsolete). He lives on occupied Massachusett and Wampanoag territory, often known as Boston.
- Eroc Arroyo-Montano: I am a proud father of three wonderful children, an emcee, circle keeper, artist, cultural organizer, educator, curandero and aspiring elder. I am a queer Boricua raised in Boston, MA, and a founding member of the radical, award-winning Hip Hop group, Foundation Movement, with whom I have been blessed to facilitate workshops and perform around the globe. This has included Tanzania (where we performed at Black August), Kenya, Cuba (where we were honored to meet Assata Shakur), Palestine (where we performed at refugee camps), South Africa, and Japan (where we participated in a 72 day peace walk from Hiroshima to Tokyo). All of these experiences have and continue to deeply transform me. Healing Justice, Arts & Activism, and Popular Education remain my passion, purpose and priority in my community liberation movement work, which I am able to develop, practice and facilitate in my current role as Director of Cultural Organizing at UFE.
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