Sharing in the Solution: Responsible Wealth for Fair Taxes

In 2009, New York State was facing a $15-20 billion budget deficit, and nobody was talking about taxing the wealthy. Responsible Wealth (a project of United for a Fair Economy) wrote an open letter, signed by 100 upper-income New Yorkers, and suddenly the conversation changed. It was renewed in 2011, but now the temporary tax rates are set to expire again, and it's time for a permanent, more progressive tax on upper income New Yorkers. 


At United for a Fair Economy, we believe that taxes play a critical role in funding investments for the public good, and we believe that the wealthy should be asked to pay their fair share. Our Responsible Wealth program organizes people in the top 5% of income or assets to add their unexpected voice to advocate for tax fairness. If you are a high-income taxpayer, consider joining Responsible Wealth today. If you are a high-income New Yorker, please sign our letter to Governor Cuomo advocating for Tax Fairness. 


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