Mini-Reunion for Former Staff and Interns

Come join us Friday, September 23 from 6-8 pm for food, drink, connecting and re-connecting with UFE folks, and maybe even some ping pong. 
  • Meet our current staff, and board and executive director, Jeannette Huezo.* 
  • Hear what former UFE interns and staff are doing these days. 
  • Hear about UFE’s current work.
You won't want to miss this. Please RSVP below and MARK YOUR CALENDAR today.

If you can't join us that evening, please take a moment to update your contact information online:



September 23, 2016 at 5:30pm - 8pm
UFE Office
62 Summer St
Second Floor Conference Room
Boston, MA 02110
United States
Google map and directions
Mike Lapham · · 617-423-2148 x113
John Grebe Robert Keener Joanie Parker Ben Stumpf Allen Buck Jonathan Igne-Bianchi Ilana Cedarbaum Gail  and Betsy Leondar-Wright Gloribell Mota Sam Osoro Mike Lapham Jeannette Huezo Suzannah Scanlon Mike Leyba

Will you come?

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  • John son
    commented 2023-11-20 04:36:29 -0500
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184 High St., Suite 603
Boston, MA 02110
(617) 423-2148


711 Mason Road
Durham, NC 27712 (919) 590-9449

We gather as guests on Indigenous land


Birmingham, AL
(205) 212-0327

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