State of the Dream 2012 | Media Coverage

Select Coverage of State of the Dream 2012: The Emerging Majority

UFE's ninth annual Martin Luther King, Jr. Day report assesses the current racial economic divide and offers a glimpse at a future that could be. Its findings should prompt people of all races and walks of life to unite in action for a more just and racially equitable future.

This timely publication is being covered online, in print and in broadcast media. The links below are a sampling, and the list will be updated as new coverage emerges.

If you are a member of the media or a blogger on social and economic issues and would like to schedule an interview with a co-author or spokesperson for the report, please contact Maz Ali at 617-423-2148 x101 and/or [email protected].

11/28/2012         NNPA (national syndication) Lawmakers ponder fiscal cliff, Blacks already in poverty ditch by Freddie Allen
11/1/2012 In 2012, Racism's Tenacious Hold on U.S. by Donna Brazile
3/4/2012         Kansas City Star
Nation's Racial Disparities are Steadily Worsening by Lewis Diuguid (Nationally Syndicated!)
1/13/2012 Race Relations & MLK's Dream: Welcome to the Generation Gap by James Eng
1/13/2012 Massive Movement Needed to Fix Perverse Concentration of Wealth
1/13/2012 Report Finds King's "Dream" Looks Bleak Unless New Alliances Converge
1/14/2012         SEIU national blog State of the Dream 2012 synopsis by Kawana Lloyd
1/15/2012 A Financial Nest Egg for Every American Baby?
1/15/2012         The Daily World Remembering Marting Luther King, Jr.
1/15/2012         Black Economic Development Racial Economic Divide Threatens Stability of the Entire Economy
1/16/2012         KBOO-FM (Portland, OR) Tom Becker reads from State of the Dream 2012
1/16/2012         Concord Monitor King's Legacy: Workers' Rights by Arnie Alpert
1/16/2012         Black Agenda Report Listen to Black Agenda Radio (week of January 16, 2012) with Glen Ford
1/16/2012         Facing South (Institute for Southern Studies blog) Dr. King's March to Occupy D.C. for Economic Justice by Chris Kromm
1/17/2012 What is the State of "The Dream?" by Dr. Julianne Malveaux
1/17/2012         WPKN-FM "Between the Lines" with Scott Harris PODCAST feat. Director of NAACP Economic Dept. & State of the Dream 2012 co-author Dedrick Muhammad
1/17/2012 Median Income for White Families in U.S. Almost Double Blacks and Latinos
1/17/2012 (Campaign for America's Future) Romney on the Side of Disenfranchising Black Voters by Isaiah J. Poole
1/17/2012         WBAI-FM "Talk Back!" with Hugh Hamilton PODCAST feat. State of the Dream 2012 co-authors, Wanjiku Mwangi & Tim Sullivan
1/17/2012         The Louisiana Weekly U.S. Cities, Nation Face Challenge as Americans Paulse to Remember MLK
1/18/2012         The Seattle Medium A Diverse U.S. Population Will Not Guarantee Parity by George E. Curry
1/19/2012         Dollars & Sense magazine The Great Recession in Black Wealth by Judy Wicks-Lim

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