Please use these stock delivery instructions for all stock donations made to United for a Fair Economy or Responsible Wealth*.
IMPORTANT: Our current Schwab account does not tell us the name of the person donating the stock! If you are making a gift of stock to UFE or RW, please call Sara Sargent at (617) 423-2148 x120 or email [email protected] to notify us of the transfer, including the type of stock (if known), the amount of the gift, and the name of the donor.
Delivery Instructions:
DTC# 0164 at Schwab
Acct #: 24831066
Acct Name: United for a Fair Economy
For questions about donating stock or to discuss other donation options, please call Sara Sargent at 617-423-2148 ext. 120 or email [email protected]. Donations of stock to UFE and RW are tax-deductible to the extent permitted by law, as are all contributions.