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Infographic Design: Andrew Colin Beck
Infographic Research: Benjamin Kreider, in collaboration with United for a Fair Economy staffers Richard Lindayen, Mike Lapham, Jeannette Huezo, Riahl O'Malley, and Eroc Arroyo-Montano.
- Meg Wiehe, Emanuel Nieves, Jeremie Greer, David Newville. “Race, Wealth and Taxes: How the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act Supercharges the Racial Wealth Gap.” October 11, 2018. Institute on Taxation and Economic Policy & Prosperity Now. https://prosperitynow.org/sites/default/files/resources/ITEP-Prosperity_Now-Race_Wealth_and_Taxes-FULL%20REPORT-FINAL_6.pdf. Accessed 1/21/19.
- Israel, Josh. “These companies claimed the GOP tax bill would ‘boost jobs.’ Now they’re laying off employees.” Think Progress. https://thinkprogress.org/since-pushing-corporate-tax-cuts-to-boost-jobs-half-of-the-rate-coalition-has-laid-off-employees-bc72f74c325e/. Accessed 1/21/19.
- Kroll, Luisa & Dolan, Kerry. The Definitive Ranking Of The Wealthiest Americans. October 3, 2018. https://www.forbes.com/forbes-400/#4dd50be67e2f. Accessed 1/21/19.
- Zessoules, Daniella, Hendricks, Galen, Madowitz, Michael. “The State of the Labor Market for Latinas: Pre-October Jobs Day Release.” November 1, 2018. https://www.americanprogress.org/issues/economy/news/2018/11/01/460406/state-labor-market-latinas-pre-october-jobs-day-release/. Accessed 1/21/19.
- Labor Force Statistics from the Current Population Survey. Household Data. Not Seasonally Adjusted. Quarterly Averages. E-16. Unemployment rates by age, sex, race, and Hispanic or Latino ethnicity. https://www.bls.gov/web/empsit/cpsee_e16.htm. Accessed 1/21/19.
- Ali, Mazher, et al. “State of the Dream 2011: Austerity For Whom?” United for a Fair Economy. January 2011. https://d3n8a8pro7vhmx.cloudfront.net/ufe/pages/2154/attachments/original/1442675361/State_of_the_Dream_2011.pdf. Accessed 12/17/18.
- Cortez, Ocasio. “Draft Text for Proposed Addendum to House Rules for 116th Congress of the United States.” November 12, 2018. https://docs.google.com/document/d/1jxUzp9SZ6-VB-4wSm8sselVMsqWZrSrYpYC9slHKLzo/edit. Accessed 1/12/18.