Tell President Obama & Congress: NO DEAL on Estate Tax!

Call Congress Today

It’s outrageous!  President Obama has announced a tax deal with Republicans that further weakens the estate tax. In the deal, Democrats would accept the Lincoln/Kyl estate tax bill, with a $5 million exemption per spouse and 35% tax rate, for two years.

The deal would make the estate tax even weaker than it was under President Bush, and the weakest it has been in seven decades.

The deal includes some important tax credits for lower income people and an extension of unemployment benefits. But overall, this deal is no compromise. It gives away too much and gets too little in return. This deal is unacceptable.

Express your OUTRAGE: Call the President and Congress now!

CALL THE WHITEHOUSE switchboard at 202-456-1414, and the comment line at 202-456-1111.

CALL YOUR TWO SENATORS AND YOUR REPRESENTATIVE at the toll-free Congressional switchboard at 800-830-5738.
Tell the President and Congress:
  • This deal is outrageous. Do not accept it!
  • End the top-tier tax breaks.
  • Don't take any deal unless it has an estate tax at the 2009 level or stronger.

This is a bad deal.

We need a tidal wave of calls! Forward the alert, then CALL your friends; blog and share this alert on your social networks.

Thank you for taking action!

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