TFOC on the Radio

Talk Radio MicrophoneTFOC on the Radio

The following radio news stories about a recent TFOC report, entitled Solutions that Work for Main Street: Progressive Guidelines for Closing Recessionary State Budget Gaps, explain that budget cuts are not the only answer to widespread state budget deficits.

These stories, originally aired in Virginia, Tennessee, Florida, and New York, were syndicated for broadcast on radio stations across the country, reaching well over 4 million listeners! See below for transcript exerpts and click through to listen to the stories on Public News Service.

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New York

April 1, 2010

"Ron Deutsch, executive director of New Yorkers for Fiscal Fairness, points out that Wall Street is one sector of New York's economy that has bounced back from the recession and into record profits. To head off painful state budget cuts, which also will send a negative ripple effect through the state's economy, he urges decisionmakers to consider taxing Wall Street's bonuses and excess profits, instead.

'We've spent trillions to shore up the financial sector, and Main Street basically bailed out Wall Street. So, what we're saying is there are a number of different ways Wall Street could help contribute to helping solve our state's budget gap right now.

The report, issued by the United for a Fair Economy Tax Fairness Organizing Collaborative, also suggests tapping into rainy day funds, scrutinizing existing tax breaks and encouraging more federal revenue sharing.

[...] Karen Kraut, director of the Tax Fairness Organizing Collaborative, says [...] "We're also looking at things like closing corporate loopholes and ending tax breaks for businesses that don't produce the jobs that they say they're going to produce."

Listen to our 4/1/10 New York radio story on Public News Service.


April 1, 2010

"Daniella Levine, president and CEO of the Human Services Coalition, Miami, says legislators need to put politics aside because cutting state spending hurts economic recovery. Instead, she suggests they focus on fine-tuning the tax code so it reflects a progressive structure - meaning those who make the least pay the smallest share and those who make the most pay a larger share to fund critical services.

"We are looking at cutting some of the most basic services - health care and education and senior programs - and what is so worrisome is we are still continuing to reduce taxes for those who are able to pay."

Listen to our 4/1/10 Florida radio story on Public News Service.


March 31, 2010

"While many would argue against raising taxes in tough economic times, Elizabeth Wright, executive director of Tennesseans for Fair Taxation, says the discussion is more complex and needs to focus on getting rid of unsound and unfair taxes.

"Our state economy is based far too heavily on the sales tax. Most states have a more even balance: a sales tax, a property tax and a tax on personal income."

Listen to our 3/31/10 Tennessee radio story on Public News Service.


March 31, 2010

"David Shreve, report co-author and an economist with the Virginia Organizing Project, says legislators need to put politics aside, because cutting state spending hurts the economy. Instead, he suggests states focus on fine-tuning their tax code so it reflects a progressive structure -- meaning those who make the least pay the smallest share and those who make the most pay a larger share.

"This is not only much, much easier to do than anyone would imagine, it's very economically sound to approach it this way. If you're looking for the optimum way to move Virginia more quickly out of the recession, this is it."

Listen to our 3/31/10 Virginia radio story on Public News Service.

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