UFE's E-News - Back Issues

UFE's E-Newsletter - Back Issues

February 2010: Climbing the Social Ladder...Or Not | Whither the CFPA? | Exploiting the Unemployed for the Sake of the Rich | AFET's Principles for a Fair Estate Tax | Fifteen Years Toward a Fair Economy

January 2010: Kickin' Off the New Year | The Battle for Consumer Protections | Oregonians Vote for the Common Good | State of the Dream 2010 | Addressing Corporate Mischief from Within | Estate Tax in Limbo

December 2009: You Make It Happen! | UFE Makes National Splash on the Estate Tax | TFOC Wraps 2009 With A Big Picture Plan | Training West Coast Trainers - UFE Visits L.A. | Coming Soon: State of the Dream 2010

October 2009: Amaad Rivera Wins Emerging Leader Award | Where's the Strategy in the Stimulus | Immigration: It's Time to Dispel the Myths | Reining in CEO Pay | The Commons: From Tragedy to Celebrity

September 2009: Sustaining OUR Movement | Whose Deficit is it Anyway? | Wealth inequality Declining! But wait... | What's in a job? | All Work and No Pay

August 2009: The Healthcare "Debate" - McCarthyism For The New Millenium | Ten Years, $1 Trillion - Who's Going to Pay? | California vs. Texas: An Economic Heavyweight Bout | Momentum Building for "Say on Pay" | Estate Tax Update: The Right's Not Over Yet

July 2009: Financial Regulation: Which Way is Forward? | Special Offer to UFE Members from YES! Magazine | Taxes: A State Budget's Best Friend | Pope Benedict XVI Calls for a New Economy

May/June 2009: It's Juneteenth - Time to Celebrate | Financial Regulation: Is President Obama on the Right Track? | States Taxing the Few to Serve the Many | Kenneth Feinberg, The Compensation Cowboy | rt@america'syouth: Mr. President, We're Broke! | Support UFE by Surfing the Web

March/April 2009: Wall Street Should NOT Dictate Our Economic Future | Help Spread The Word About Economia Justa | Upper-Income Folks Say: "Raise My Taxes!" | Tax Fairness Victories Across The States | Bankers, Brokers, Bubbles and Bailouts: What's It All About | Focus On People, Not Profits 

February 2009: Fearless Leader Needed | Join the Fight for a Progressive Estate Tax in 2009 |Make a Powerful Statement For Tax Fairness | Making Noise about Racial Inequality | Pressure Gets Results on CEO Pay

January 2009: Announcing UFE's 6th Annual MLK Day Report - State of the Dream 2009: The Silent Depression

December 2008: Building the Movement for a New Economy | UFE Report to Put Spotlight on Racial Inequality | Where Fundamental Rule Changes Start | The Economic Meltdown is Not Funny... Or is it? | Taking the Long Way to Build a Movement

November 2008: Building on the Moment | Join the Week of Action About the Economy | UFE Report Helps in Discrimination Complaint | Roundup of Recent Reports

October 2008: Economic Inequality- Still a Political Hot Potato

September 2008: Wall Street Bailout Update | Rule Changes: First Wall Street, Then.. | Extreme Executive Pay Hurts Taxpayers | Civil Rights Veterans Encourage Youth Activism | "Teen Voice" hold Popular Education Workshop | UFE Interns Take Economic Justice to the Streets

June 2008: Building the Backbone of the Economic Justice Movement l Annual Tax Organizing Conference Tackles State Budget Crises l Latest State Tax Achievements l Wells Fargo 2008 Shareholders Resolution Targets Racial Profiling and Sub-Prime Mortgages l Race, Ethnicity and Economic Diversity l What's the 'Color of Wealth'? (Op-Ed) l Working Group on Extreme Inequality Fights Economic Disparity l UFE Op-Ed Calls for Change, Not Tax Rebates

April 2008: Evaluating Candidates on Taxes | Why Not Gratitude for Taxes? | More Evidence Shows Economic Rules are Rigged | Give Up Your Riches Or Face Eternal Damnation! | New Accessible Books Turn a Critical Eye on Wealth and Finance | How Are We Doing?

March 2008: Nation's Most Progressive Tax Gets a Boost | Take the Tax Fairness Pledge | State Budget Woes Mean Opportunity for Progressive Tax Advocates | How Do You Know Economic Inequality is Bad? | Vote for UFE! | Responsible Wealth Members Share their Stories in the Media

February 2008: Subprime Lending Crisis Gets Racial Perspective | Bank of America Benefits from Lending Crisis, Taxpayers to Foot the Bill | A Community Approach to Affordable Housing | Progressive Taxation Needs Your Voice | Fostering Economic Justice in North Carolina | Supporting the Economic Justice Movement by Building Capacity

January 2008: "Foreclosed: State of the Dream 2008," Subprime Lending Causes Greatest Loss of Wealth for People of Color in Modern History.

December 2007: Season's Greetings and Best Wishes for the New Year | State of the Dream: Foreclosed! | New Website Being Tested | Estate Tax Celebrities | CEO Pay Gets Oversight | Restructuring the Community Reinvestment Act for the 21st Century | Predatory Lending Needs More Attention

November 2007: Zai Hui (Goodbye) to our Executive Director | Predatory Lending Becomes Prey | Community Organizers Needed | Warren Buffett's Betting a Million for Fairer Taxes | Estate Tax Repealers Hard of Hearing | One Estate Tax Battle is Won, but the War Rages On | UFE Board Member Honored | Responsible Wealth Member Aims for Congress

October 2007: Another World is Possible; Another US is on the Way | The Racial Retirement Gap | Responsible Wealth Action News | Is Your State Helping the Poor? | Executive Excess Success! | Progressive Merger Promises New Organizing Capacity | UFE Taps Online Network

August 2007: Special Labor Day Issue on CEO Pay

May-June 2007: Renewed Energy for Economic Justice | Western Union Challenged on Highway Robbery | A New Attack on Poverty |Anti-Poverty Tax Credits Move to the States | Debunking Immigration Myths and the Fight for Tax Fairness | Savings for All | The Power of Possibility: The U.S. Social Forum |Sisterhood, Research, and Activism | Help us Help You!

April 2007: National Awakening about Poverty | Praxis - How Education Can Move People to Action | Ouch! Who's really Hurting? | Holding Corporations to Account | Estate Tax Battle Heats Up Again | Taking Pride in Taxes | MyTaxCut Calculator and Tax Fairness Pledge

March 2007: Wealthy Taxpayers Still Reaping Huge Tax Cuts | My Tax Cut | Help Get Tax Cuts Out of the Federal Budget | Experts and Learners - That's What We All Are | Enough Corporate Shell Games | Black and Brown Unity - A Key to the Movement | Economics As If People Matter

February 2007: What's Next with Economic Inequality? | Why We Pay Too Much for Job Creation | Righting Upside-Down Budget Priorities | Get Educated | As the South Goes... A Canary in the Coal Mine | Ending Predatory Lending with a Fair Chance

January 2007: MLK's Dream Was Not Colorblind | UFE Members Help Make the "First 100-Hours" a Huge Success | Food Stamps Needs Support | More Troops, More Dollars for War: What are Our Priorities? | The Fighting Tennesseans! | Honors for Diversity


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