Ways to Give

United for a Fair Economy challenges the concentration of wealth and power that corrupts democracy, deepens the racial divide and tears communities apart. We use popular economics education, trainings, and creative communications to support social movements working for a resilient, sustainable and equitable economy.

Will you support UFE’s vision for a fair economy?

United for a Fair Economy is a 501(c) 3 tax-exempt organization; our tax ID number is 04-3286118. Contributions to United for a Fair Economy are tax-deductible to the extent allowable by law.

For any questions related to giving to United for a Fair Economy, please call Mike Lapham, Acting Resource Mobilization Director, at 617-423-2148 ext. 112 or email [email protected], or contact Jeannette Huezo, Executive Director, 617-423-2148 x132 ([email protected]). 

For more information on United for a Fair Economy’s financial history, you can view our most recent financial audit or download our Form 990 at http://www.faireconomy.org/financials. You can also visit our Guidestar profile.


Debit/Credit Card/PayPal

  1. Make a one-time donation at https://ufe.nationbuilder.com/donate. We accept Visa, Mastercard, American Express and Discover cards. (If you are giving a larger gift via credit card, we prefer you use paypal if possible because there are no credit card fees).
  2. Become a Monthly Movement Sustainer. Join UFE's community of monthly donors that include board and staff. Movement Sustainers are committing to help build the movement for economic justice all year round, not just on one day out of the year.
  3. Become an annual donor (your credit card will be charged once a year with the amount you choose). https://ufe.nationbuilder.com/donate_annually
  4. Give through Paypal Giving Fund https://www.paypal.com/us/fundraiser/charity/398355. (No fees to UFE If you give this way).

One-time, Monthly Or annual gifts can be processed online or by phone at 617-423-2148 ext. 120.


By Check

Mail check donations to:

United for a Fair Economy
184 High St. Suite 603
Boston, MA 02110-3160


Wire Transfer

Please email Mike Lapham at [email protected] with the donor’s name and the amount you are giving. Wiring instructions are as follows: 

UFE Account #701-110-618

Bank Routing #011-301-798

Address: Eastern Bank, 195 Market St., Lynn, MA, 01901

UFE Address (beneficiary): United for a Fair Economy, 184 High St. Suite 603, Boston, MA 02110-3160


Stock and Mutual Funds

IMPORTANT: Our current Charles Schwab account does not tell us the name of the person donating the stock! If you are making a gift of stock to UFE or UFE's Responsible Wealth project, please call or email Mike Lapham at (617) 423-2148 x112 or [email protected] to notify us of the transfer, including the type of stock (if known), the amount of the gift, and the name of the donor. Thank you.

Stock Delivery Instructions:

DTC# 0164 at Charles Schwab

Acct #: 24831066

Acct Name: United for a Fair Economy


Donor-Advised Funds

A donor-advised fund (DAF) is like a charitable investment account where a donor makes a contribution of cash or other assets up front into an account managed by a sponsoring organization, such as a community foundation or nonprofit arm of a financial services firm (Vanguard Charitable, Fidelity Charitable). Donors then tell the sponsoring organization which nonprofits they’d like to donate to from their accounts, and the sponsoring organizations generally follow the donor's requests.

Please address DAF gifts to United for a Fair Economy or UFE's Responsible Wealth project. 

Please visit DAFDirect by clicking here and filling out the form on the right side of the page



Join the #HalfMyDAF Challenge! In an effort to increase the amount of giving from DAFs, this program
www.halfmydaf.com will be giving out grants to nominated nonprofits when donors give away half of their DAF. Give a grant to UFE through your DAF and nominate UFE for a 10K grant! Instructions here.


Qualified Charitable Contributions

If you have an IRA retirement fund and you are 70.5 years old, you can make a direct transfer from your IRA custodian to UFE and it will be counted toward your required minimum distributions for the year, as long as certain criteria are met. Please read more about Qualified Charitable Contributions here.


Legacy Giving

A gift left to UFE in your will, trust or by beneficiary designation is a way to ensure your values of justice and equity live on. UFE depends on your support to expand the movement for economic justice for the long haul to include language justice, healing justice, gender justice, climate justice, and more.

  1. Bequest
    1. Be a part of UFE’s vision for equity and sustainability by including UFE in your will in addition to your loved ones. Invest in the future of United for a Fair Economy. For more information, please email [email protected]
  2. Retirement Plan
    1. You can designate all or a certain percentage of your retirement assets to United for a Fair Economy. gifts of these assets will not be taxed if they are paid directly to a charity, such as UFE, as a beneficiary.
  3. Life Insurance
    1. You can make a significantly larger charitable gift than may be possible from your current assets by designating United for a Fair Economy as the beneficiary of a new or existing life insurance contract.


Matching Gifts

Employer-sponsored charitable giving programs are an easy and accessible way to donate to a nonprofit or charity that is important to you. Check with your human resources department to learn more about your employer’s workplace giving options. Many companies will match your contribution up to a predetermined limit.

Thank you for your generosity and solidarity!


184 High St., Suite 603
Boston, MA 02110
(617) 423-2148


711 Mason Road
Durham, NC 27712 (919) 590-9449

We gather as guests on Indigenous land


Birmingham, AL
(205) 212-0327

Created with NationBuilder