Thank you for being a part of the UFE community. You make our work possible! We want to share with you our 2020 impact report, available now on our website in Spanish and English. This year, the report comes in the form of a beautifully illustrated map.
We hope you enjoy this look back at the past year! Click through to view.
–LUANA MORALES, on UFE’s Webinar: Personal and Collective Healing for Liberation
Our mission: United for a Fair Economy challenges the concentration of wealth and power that corrupts democracy, deepens the racial divide and tears communities apart.
***Scroll down to the map to see how United For a Fair Economy navigated 2020.***
Measuring Our Journey in 2020
- 1,854 participants in UFE programs and programs with partners.
- 22 Circles, 2 Retreats, and 2 Trainings using healing for liberation tools.
- 18 popular education workshops & 10 free educational webinars for the community.
- 224 people joined the “War on Workers” webinar.
- 7 webinars and trainings reaching 332 people, interpreted into Spanish and English.
- 35 Responsible Wealth members in the top 1% signed a letter advocating a higher millionaires tax in New York State.
- 105 RW members were among the 214 wealthy people who signed a letter to Biden’s transition team on fair tax policy and economic justice.
- 200 businesses have committed to paying a living wage, impacting thousands of workers across 5 states, through the Living Wage Network.
- 20 leaders from 6 different organizations attended our Training of Trainers in Charlotte, NC for the Raising Wages NC coalition.
- 15 movement leaders shared perspectives on economic and gender justice in our annual State of the Dream report.
- 736 people gave to UFE, including 486 grassroots donors giving $100 or less.