Jeannette Huezo

Executive Director & Senior Popular Educator

617-423-2148 x132, [email protected]

Jeannette_laughing2.jpgOriginally from El Salvador, Jeannette came to the US in 1989. She has spent her life working for justice and social change.

Jeannette is the Executive Director of United for a Fair Economy and also coordinates UFE’s popular education work and facilitates many workshops, particularly for Latino groups. She is also co-author of several of UFE's State of the Dream reports on racial economic inequality in the U.S.

In developing confidence and leadership skills in others, Jeannette has increased the number of activists in the struggle for social change, and has empowered women, immigrants and others facing injustice to participate in the decision-making process around issues that affect their lives.

Jeannette's first organizing job in United States was with the Latino Parents Association. She then went on to spend four years at the Coalition for Basic Human Needs (CBHN), organizing low-income women to fight for their rights. Then, Jeannette went to work for the Women's Institute for Leadership Development (WILD) as the Program Director / Trainer / Organizer. Following that, she worked as a Union Organizer for Service Employees International Union (SEIU) Local 254, organizing immigrant workers like herself to find their voice as members of the labor movement.

In addition to her work with UFE, Jeannette currently is a member of the Expert for Color Network of the Insight Center for Community Economic Development. Jeannette is also an Advisory Board Member of the Center to Support Immigrant Organizing (CSIO).

Jeannette is the mother of nine children, all currently in the United States. 


184 High St., Suite 603
Boston, MA 02110
(617) 423-2148


711 Mason Road
Durham, NC 27712 (919) 590-9449

We gather as guests on Indigenous land


Birmingham, AL
(205) 212-0327

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