We are excited to share UFE’s fifteenth annual State of the Dream report – available now for download and order!
In honor of the legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., our annual report looks at the state of racial economic inequality in the US. This year's report, State of the Dream 2019: The Perfect Storm, explores how race and economic injustice are connected to natural disaster resilience and recovery.
>Order a copy of the report in print
>Download State of the Dream 2019: The Perfect Storm
>Download the 2019 State of the Dream Infographic
When natural disasters strike, weather systems and unjust economic systems compound to cause devastation for people of color, in particular, while generating economic opportunity for the wealthy few.
UFE’s State of the Dream 2019 explores how race and economic injustice are connected to natural disaster resilience and recovery. The first section is comprised of reflections from individuals and groups working first-hand on the issue of disaster recovery and working to transform systems of oppression that exclude disadvantaged communities.
The second “disaster” we examine is the Trump administration’s 2017 tax plan, a scam set to worsen economic inequality in the US and expand the racial wealth divide. We explore the cynical GOP strategy of pairing tax giveaways for the wealthy with funding cuts that particularly hurt working people and communities of color. This strategy starves the public sector of much-needed revenue and lays the groundwork for privatization when a disaster hits.
I encourage you to take a look at the report and print out a free copy today. In particular, I urge you to print and share this year’s infographic that accompanies the report. We hope that this year’s report will serve as a tool for sharing and encouraging discussions with your friends, family, religious congregation, union, or other community groups. We also hope that the infographic – which is included in the report and available for download as a stand-alone document – will be widely printed, shared and posted on refrigerators from coast to coast!
Thank you for your support of racial economic justice.
In Solidarity,
Jeannette Huezo, UFE Executive Director
On behalf of the UFE Staff and Board
and the State of the Dream 2019 Team
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